Because you are to used to harmony in a very classic and feminine way.
- What do you mean?
What did you felt when you first saw those holocaust images of skinny dead bodies all being pushed into a mass grave?
- Like everyone else I suppose, deeply shocked.
Well isn't that shock a reflection of your values regarding life in which you find comfort and by whom you measure good and evil? Isn't that something to be proud about? The ability of feeling someone else pain even if that has happened long ago before you were even born? Can you find a soundtrack to those pictures that can sound harmonious? Is music always supposed to be pretty and comfortable? No, it does not. Music is the same as life and life can be a tragedy, and in tragedy you can often find the deepest human light. Is that last desire for happiness. It's in the darkest place that the smallest light will shine brighter and sparkling clear.
simple it down.
it's been over 4 months since I left my shithole that once I called home.
it's not the 1st time.
it just tastes different now.
it's all damaged around me.
dumb people find sick ways to move on.
and there's no such thing as dumb.
it's all people.
how's being smart working for you?
pretty bad right now.
what advantage can I gain from reading between the lines?
I don't even know
I don't even know
I don't even know the Language.
I know the body and the body has bowels and the bowels move in disgusting circles.
our meat calls for mercy.
humanity claims mercy onto itself.
when did we get so tired of it?
why can't we search for something else?
where lies the roots of our humble acceptance of it all?
& all of it.
I really want to simple it down but this is too much.
it's like a Disney movie, it's Bambi's mother dying one thousand times per second
and all you have to do is to pay enough tax.
and all you have to do is to pay enough tax.
trying to go back now
to the island
nothing is more important than being original.
simple it down.
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